Public info


LAND POWER SA informs you about the modification of the organizational chart, of the functions and attributions of the old management starting with 17.06.2022 and the appointment by the Board of Directors of the company in the position of Chairman of the Management Board of Mr. Grekov Maksym.

Dorobantu-Topolog Project, the 84MW wind farm development located near Topolog, Luminita and Mesteru villages, Tulcea County, in the north of Dobrogea Region, Romania, has followed public consultation and disclosure process in accordance with the relevant national legislation. The stakeholder engagement process will, however, continue throughout the lifetime of the Project, in line with the latest international standards

The ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessments) package documents published on this webpage shall provide more information regarding the stakeholder engagement process.

Additional Study: Link to Document and Appendix
The Additional Study includes additional evaluations on the ecological baseline and the impacts on birds and bats, providing a more detailed and quantitative assessment in accordance with the Habitats Directive (EU Directive 92/43/EE) and Wild Birds Directive (EU Directive 2009/147/CE), including EU Guidance on Assessment of plans and projects significantly affecting Natura 2000 sites Methodological guidance on the provisions of Article 6(3) and (4) of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC (November 2001)
Supplementary report: Link to Document
The Supplementary Report includes additional information to the two EIA studies and the Adequate Assessment. In detail, it contains an assessment of the landscape visual impact assessment and a summary of the Additional Study regarding the ecological baseline and impacts evaluation on birds and bats.
(Appendix 1, Appendix 2 - fig 01, Appendix 2 - fig 02, Appendix 2 - fig 03, Appendix 2 - fig 04, Appendix 2 - fig 05, Appendix 3, Appendix 3 - Apendices, Appendix 4,, Appendix 4 - Apendices)
SEP: Link to Document
The Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) describes public relations and communication plans, regarding the operations and major investment programs planned in the future. The SEP takes into account best international practice in relation to information disclosure and outlines the general engagement principles to be implemented for major investment programs by Land Power.
ESAP: Link to Document
The Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) identifies actions meant to avoid, reduce or otherwise control potentially significant environmental and social impacts identified in the Environmental Impact Assessment. These actions are conducted during construction and operation of the wind farm.
NTS Link to Document
The Non-Technical Summary (NTS) provides a summary of the potential impacts that the project could have on people and the environment, and of the management and monitoring arrangements that will be implemented to avoid, reduce, or mitigate adverse impacts during construction and operation of the wind farm.
Annual Report Link to Document

Besides Land Power’s website, copies of the ESIA package may be viewed at Topolog and Dorobantu City Hall, at EBRD’s Regional Office in Bucharest and Head Quarters in London (

The ESIA package is being made available for public comment for a period of 60 days before consideration of the Project for funding by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

All comments relating to the ESIA disclosure package, requests for additional information, or lodging of grievances can be sent directly to Land Power, using the Grievance Form via the following contact details:

Land Power’s main office:
Address: 251-253 Mamaia Avenue, Constanta
Tel: +40 341432770
Fax: +40 341432771
Website address:

Phone: 0341.432.770
Fax: 0341.432.771
Address: 251-253 Mamaia Avenue
900559 Constanta, Romania